DekBoard’s Annual Authorised Installer Conference brings together the company’s UK-wide network of installers with internal and external DekBoard team members to review the decking range and market.

This year’s one-day event, held on the 27th January at a venue close to DekBoard’s Scunthorpe manufacturing site, was no different, providing attendees with the opportunity to discuss DekBoard’s offering and the wider decking market in detail, as Mark Cartwright, Commercial Director at DekBoard, explains:

“Our annual installer conferences are invaluable to both DekBoard and its installers. They provide us with an opportunity to introduce new products, updates to our installers on internal investments and advancements, and further emphasise the many ways we can support our installers in the real world.

“These conferences also provide us with a platform on which to discuss the wider decking market, from industry competition to trends and innovative developments. Our installers are our eyes and ears on the ground, and the feedback they give is invaluable to our own growth and future plans, alongside any marketable changes.”

This year DekBoard introduced a new session to the day, the ‘Authorised Installer Showcase and Gallery’. This gave installers an opportunity to discuss their recent projects and the inspiration behind those transformations, as well as share their ideas and knowledge with the wider group. This new addition proved extremely popular with attendees, as Mark continues:

“Our installers are very supportive of each other, so the ‘Showcase and Gallery’ provided them with the perfect opportunity to showcase what they had achieved over the past year, as well as pass on inspiration and share ideas.

“This new addition to the schedule was also extremely useful for DekBoard, providing us with an insight in to how our installers work, the products they prefer and how they see the future of the industry progressing.

“We would like to thank everyone who attended the conference and contributed to the day. We hope everyone found it as interesting and instructive as we did,” concludes Mark.

Further information about DekBoard’s Authorised Installer Network can be found at Authorised Decking Installers – Dekboard or by calling 01724 848500.